Hellios I Operational Resilience through collaboration for Finance Institutions

Hellios has released v1.52.0 of the application for both UK and the Netherlands with v1.53.0 due shortly improving the experience for both buyer and supplier communities.

A functionality change for buyers

Buyers need to know when suppliers Rag status has changed for various reason.

Buyers can now follow changes to a suppliers Questionnaire Rag Status.

– Questionnaire Status Updates

– Document RAG status updates

– H-Score Updates

– Questionnaire RAG Status Updates

Why is the change being applied?

Feedback from buyers suggested it would be a valuable addition to the list of Follow options if they could be alerted when suppliers Questionnaire RAG Status changes, helping them to manage their supplier pool more efficiently.

A functionality change for suppliers

Hellios ID added to the supplier homepage

The Hellios ID has been added to the supplier homepage, displayed next to the supplier’s company name.

Several other changes have been made to the system, to see the full extent of the changes, Hellios registered customer can log on to your profile.