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Enhance your Third Party Risk Management to master DORA

A new European Union regulation called the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) requires stricter checks on your suppliers. FSQS offers a cost-effective solution. We have pre-built reports that make it easy to collect the information you require to be compliant.


If you're feeling stressed about...


Collecting the information you need for your Information Register.

Formatting your Regulatory Return.

Identifying your ICT service providers.

The ongoing supplier assurance.

Third Party Audit and Risk Assessment.

Then you need FSQS


Our platform holds all your supplier information in one place, including key service provider data needed for your Information Register.


Introducing FSQS for DORA

Our user-friendly platform, tailored to meet DORA regulation requirements, collects all the supply chain information you need through a single questionnaire. This questionnaire covers the key areas required by DORA. 

Your supplier information can then be filtered to isolate your ICT service providers and exported using our pre-built reporting templates for the Information Register.

This keeps things easy, efficient, and stress-free for everyone.

5 ways FSQS can
help with DORA

Pre-built DORA Register of Information template

Get a head start on your regulatory requirements by mapping supplier datapoints to your own standard Register of Information ready for your annual submission. 

Identify your ICT service providers

Use FSQS service codes to easily classify your ICT service providers. 

365 assurance

Rather than an annual or bi-annual snapshot, FSQS provides all-year-round transparency of supplier information including resilience policies and control information. 


As a single system for all your suppliers, FSQS allows for a holistic, cross-departmental view of supplier information. From Procurement to Information Security and Cyber, to TPRM and Business Continuity. 

Pooled Audit Process

FSQS Stage 3 Pooled Audits aligns to the key DORA topics and significantly reduces your financial and administrative burdens associated with in depth assessments of suppliers.

You can tick TPRM off your DORA checklist 


Join a community 

With our communities across Europe, including the UK & Ireland, Spain and the Netherlands you’ll be amongst peers tackling the challenges together. 


Onboard your suppliers

Invite your suppliers to complete the questionnaire which will be validated by our internal team and available on the platform for reporting. 


Export your reports

Once online, you’ll be able to view your suppliers, filter your ICT service providers, and export your suppliers using our DORA template. 


Did you know?

DORA is an EU regulation that fully comes into effect in January 2025. Despite being an EU regulation, it will impact UK businesses that want to work in the EU financial sector.

Not just a platform, FSQS is a community.

Our members no longer face the challenge of navigating regulations alone.

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You too can have a stress-free DORA experience

1. Book a free demo
Take a tour of the platform and learn how you can immediately benefit from the pre-built reports.

2. Meet your Onboarding Manager
Despite our plug-and-play systems, we take onboarding seriously. You'll have a dedicated manager guiding you through.

3. Meet you new FSQS community
Enjoy regular meetings with industry peers, so you can tackle DORA together.
