Lockheed Martin, a global security, and aerospace company has joined Hellios as the 15th member of the JOSCAR aerospace, defence and security community. By joining this community Hellios will help Lockheed Martin manage and mitigate risk in their supply chain by managing their supplier's data for them and strengthening ties with their industry peers.

Unlike traditional supplier management processes that see organisations having to record and manage vast amounts of individual supplier compliance data, Hellios solves this challenge by providing users with a simple dashboard view offering a complete picture of suppliers at any single point in time. This new relationship will benefit Lockheed Martin in two significant ways, firstly saving time and money by reducing the administrative burden of supplier data management and secondly by providing them with the opportunity to discuss and solve industry-wide supply chain challenges via the active peer community.  

Nigel Strutt, UK Director, Supply Chain Policy, Governance and Operations at Lockheed Martin, said: “As part of our commitment to finding ways to make it easier for suppliers to engage and work with us, we’re thrilled to be joining the JOSCAR supply chain community which allows for a single source of supplier compliance information and supports new opportunities for our suppliers. Adopting the JOSCAR process as part of our core procurement service will help drive efficiencies into our supply chain management by reducing duplication of supplier requests, online engagement for real-time changes to compliance expectations, and one time entry of assurance information for future proposals for business with Lockheed Martin UK.”

Colin Maund, CEO at Hellios, said: “We are delighted to welcome Lockheed Martin to the JOSCAR community and look forward to equipping them with the insights needed to better manage their supplier risk. They will receive immediate benefit in becoming a member of this thriving community by gaining instant access to the 7,000 suppliers already registered and deemed ‘fit for business’ on the system.”